By combining traditional strengths, ruggedness and dependability with advanced hydraulics, these pumps offer enhanced efficiency resulting in increased wearlife of components such as wearing liners and impellers. The advanced hydraulics utilises a unique volute design which reduces destructive turbulence thus further reducing the overall power consumption – the largest expense in total operating cost.
SRH slurry pump
deliver maximum hydraulic efficiency in applications where minor process dilution is permissible from wet glands.
SRC slurry pump
incorporate a unique two-stage dynamic expeller seal which eliminates seal water and reticulation while effectively sealing against suction
heads of up to 12 metres. This sealing arrangement is completely protected by abrasion- and/or corrosion-resistant elastomer linings.
Thicker Liners: Absorb impact from large particles;
Reinforced non-collapsible liners;
Effective and reliable ”dry gland” capability; Unique two-stage expeller design.
Unique bearing arrangement; Utilises both radial and axial bearings.
Extended parts life, Reduced erratic failures and Easily maintained.
Less concentrated wear on liners and impellers, lower impeller peripheral speeds, less likely to cavitate.